Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time to get this fucker started...

This blog has had a long gestation period, to say the least. I've been meaning to start a music site focusing on new releases for over a year now (and yes, in all that time this was still the best title I came up with). The problem is I was - and still am - locked into this long term project that necessarily saps all my free time if I'm ever to make any headway on it.

My goal is to systematically go through year by year and listen to every album I can get my hands on, whether I have to beg, borrow or... before you say "steal" you'd be surprised what can turn up in a decent public library, especially one with a stagnant backlog of vinyl sitting around (so "plausible deniability" and all that, if you must). I won't bore you with my methodology but the fact that it took me over two years to finish the 80s should give you some idea of my no-bullshit comprehensiveness.

Recently I finished the 80s, and I figured since I'll probably never get around to otherwise starting this blog if I wait until I catch up to the present day - and can thus start devoting the majority of my time to new releases again - it seemed like a good idea to go ahead and kick this off now, sort of a running commentary on my music education from 1990 forward. When we eventually reach 2011, 2012, whatever the hell year it is when I reach that contemporaneous singularity, it'll be strictly new shit from that point forward. In the meantime I hope everyone enjoys the ride, but if you don't... fuck it, this blog would have been dead air for the next year or so anyway.

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