Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Colin Stetson: "Those Who Didn't Run"

Colin Stetson is best known as the touring sax player for Arcade Fire, but earlier this year he dropped his second solo album, New History Warfare Part 2: Judges (three guesses what the first one was called).  That album was shortlisted (top ten candidate) for Canada's 2011 Polaris Prize, which inevitably went to Arcade Fire's Suburbs album.  There's really no reason for me to be posting this this late, but in all frankness I just got hip to it.  I do like when a solo project has an individualistic tinge to it, and isn't just a minor derivation of the mother band.  In those cases I always get the impression that someone is going for a bigger payday by hiring low paid scab musicians, oblivious to the chemistry that made their main band a player in the music scene to begin with.

[EDIT 1/6/12: updating with offiial video.  Apparently I wasn't so late on the ball after all.  Shit, that just rhymed, didn't it?]

Colin Stetson "Those Who Didn't Run" from Isaac Gale on Vimeo.

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